Hyderabad: Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh State Nara Chandhrababu naidu fired on YCP president YS Jaganmohan Reddy. Chandhrabau alleged that YS Jagan hand is behind Tuni Incident. This incident proofed the crime culture of YCP babu said. Since long time people of both Godavari districts supporting Telugu Desham Party. They are not entertaining YCP in their districts. Knowing this matter YCP came into district and created violence basing on caste issues. And Chandhrababu alleged that Government is trying to create employment by inviting investments but YCP is planning to stop investments to state. He described that YS Jagan is not bear the development of State. YS Jagan is with jealous on investments which are flowing into state.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
6:04:00 PM
YS Jagan hand behind Tuni incident: CM Chandhrababu naidu
Hyderabad: Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh State Nara Chandhrababu naidu fired on YCP president YS Jaganmohan Reddy. Chandhrabau alleged that YS Jagan hand is behind Tuni Incident. This incident proofed the crime culture of YCP babu said. Since long time people of both Godavari districts supporting Telugu Desham Party. They are not entertaining YCP in their districts. Knowing this matter YCP came into district and created violence basing on caste issues. And Chandhrababu alleged that Government is trying to create employment by inviting investments but YCP is planning to stop investments to state. He described that YS Jagan is not bear the development of State. YS Jagan is with jealous on investments which are flowing into state.
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