Prince Mahesh Babu’s recent release Srimanthudu is holding well in the weekdays too. the Monday test with flying colours. The movie had collected 4.32 Crore share on its first working day. However the movie was benefitted by Bonalu holiday in Nizam where in it collected close to 2 Crore share. Srimanthudu managed to have a good Monday. Tuesday trends indicate another good day at the office. Srimanthudu will be into 100 crore club by the end of first week and is likely to breakeven by its second weekend.
Director Siva believed that content is the king and said Srimanthudu will surely be among the biggest hits of Tollywood Cinema.There won’t be much competition for this film in its second week with no biggies targeting Independece Day release. Srimanthudu is not only holding well in A centers but also in the mass dominated areas like Ceded shows that it has been universally accepted by the audience.
Sensational Srimanthudu Movie Making Video
Director Siva believed that content is the king and said Srimanthudu will surely be among the biggest hits of Tollywood Cinema.There won’t be much competition for this film in its second week with no biggies targeting Independece Day release. Srimanthudu is not only holding well in A centers but also in the mass dominated areas like Ceded shows that it has been universally accepted by the audience.
Sensational Srimanthudu Movie Making Video
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